Megan manages UVA Health's social media accounts. She graduated from Virginia Tech and dabbled in newspapers before coming to work at UVA Health 11 years ago, where she decided to try a new microblogging site called Twitter. When Megan’s not on Facebook or Pinterest, she’s usually figure skating, running, or reading.
Posts by Megan Munkacsy
Organ Transplants: The People and Process Behind the Scenes
12 hours. That’s the maximum amount of time doctors have to transplant a liver once they remove it from a donor. During that 12 hours, a carefully orchestrated dance must take place behind the scenes, one where doctors and staff from different organizations must work together in perfect step as…
Growing Organs for Transplant: A Major Step Forward
April is Donate Life Month, and the heartbreaking stories of people on long waiting lists for organs are abundant. And if you’ve been thinking about becoming a donor, we strongly urge you to sign up. [caption id="attachment_8115" align="alignright" width="296"] Chris and Bernard Thisse[/caption] But what if, one day, scientists could…
7 Quick Questions: Meet Lung Transplant Doctor Max Weder
Ever wonder what your doctor or health provider does outside the exam room? Our 7 Quick Questions series gives you a personal glimpse into the people of UVA. April is Donate Life Month. Max Weder, MD, is medical director of UVA's lung transplant program. What did you want to be when you…
Caring for a Teen with Cerebral Palsy: A Parent’s Story
Helena Frischtak, a third-year medical student working in different clinics and parts of the hospital as part of her training, contributed this post. In the hospital, people come and go. Rooms take on new patients, and doctors take on different rooms. When you start to know a patient better, he…
7 Quick Questions: Meet Dr. Robert Sinkin
Ever wonder what your doctor or health provider does outside the exam room? Our 7 Quick Questions series gives you a personal glimpse into the people of UVA. Robert Sinkin, MD, MPH, is medical director of UVA’s neonatal intensive care unit and the Newborn Emergency Transport System. What did you want to…
Book Review: “It’s Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens”
Mary A. Sullivan coordinates community advocacy, education and outreach efforts for the Teen Health Center. She’s provided health education to local students and parents for over 20 years. Here she reviews a recent book about social media and teens. Cold and blustery days give me time to catch up on…
The Magic Week: Waiting for a Healthy Baby
To many women, having a baby at 37 weeks may seem about the same as having the baby at 39 weeks. Why endure another two weeks of backaches and swelling when you could induce labor? [caption id="attachment_7994" align="alignright" width="300"] Babies born at 37 weeks are more likely to require NICU…
Researchers Find Arthritis Drug Effective Against “Baghdad Boil”
The research world calls it cutaneous leishmaniasis, but it's become so common among U.S. troops serving in Iraq that they have dubbed it the “Baghdad Boil.” This unhealing skin sore is caused by sand fly bites that become infected with parasites. [caption id="attachment_7984" align="alignright" width="300"] Some of the UVA "Baghdad…