Some nitrates may have cancer-causing properties — but does that mean you should be avoiding them altogether?
uvahealth (Page 9)
Posts by uvahealth
Exercise cramps can happen to anyone, especially when pushing yourself to the limit. But how do you know when these severe muscle cramps are something more serious? Get answers and advice from one of UVA's sports medicine experts.
UVA is the only hospital in the area that provides forensics services. Jeanne Parrish and her team can provide medical care and collect evidence in instances of child abuse, elder abuse, domestic violence and sexual assault.
Autoimmune disease can increase your risk of getting cancer. With autoimmune disorders and cancer, you'll need a specialized treatment plan.
UVA forensic nurse examiners provide medical care, support and evidence collection in incidents of assault, including physical and sexual abuse of children. If you suspect child abuse, contact Child Protective Services.
If you have a blood cancer like leukemia, lymphoma or multiple myeloma, the time may come when your doctor recommends a stem cell transplant.
If you experience sexual assault in Charlottesville or in the surrounding area, our emergency department provides medical care and evidence collection by a forensic nurse examiner. Find out about how we collect evidence and why it's so important to seek medical care immediately after sexual assault.
People living with cancer have a wide range of feelings about the gesture of voluntarily shaving your head for cancer support. Find out where your decision may fall.
If you repurpose some of items after cleaning your house as donations for cancer patients, you could help to ease their treatment journey.
If you have PCOS, talk to your provider at UVA Health about reducing your risk for endometrial cancer.
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