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Healthy Balance

General Health (Page 49)

You care about your health and that of the ones you love. Stay up to date on healthy living ideas, tips, stories, news.

man in hospital bed, holding someone's hand
Blood Cancer Basics: What You Need to Know as You Get Older
General Health 3/28/2017

[caption id="attachment_16139" align="alignright" width="350"] Most blood cancers happen in people 60 or older.[/caption] There’s a lot more to your blood than meets the eye, especially if you’re over 50. Blood (hematologic) cancer is a broad term used to describe cancers of the blood. Blood contains red blood cells that carry…

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Series: Is This Normal?
General Health 3/23/2017

From sleepwalking to heart flutters, In this series we ask experts if the weird things our bodies and minds do is normal or if they're worth worrying about.

sleeping on the couch can cause the pins and needles feeling
Is This Normal: The Pins-and-Needles Feeling
General Health 3/22/2017

Most of us have experienced the pins-and-needles feeling. Maybe you slept on your arm, or you squeezed into an awkward position in a tiny airplane seat and your foot fell asleep. Here's how to tell if it means something is really wrong.

cancer prevention
Benefits of Probiotics in Cancer Prevention
General Health 2/9/2017

Probiotics are good bacteria that live in your intestines. Foods like yogurt have live cultures that keep your immune system healthy. Add probiotics to your diet to reap their benefits, which include potential cancer prevention.

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