Listening is the first step to understanding a loved one's choice to refuse cancer treatment. If you have a loved one refusing cancer treatment, begin by talking and listening to the reasons why.
General Health (Page 49)
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My favorite posts are about UVA providing support and resources for conditions that people have struggled with but might not know are treatable.
Cancer patients and their caregivers deal with emotions they'd never felt before the cancer journey. Feelings fluctuate constantly, especially with the stages of disease. Be mindful of where you are emotionally so you can get the support you need.
It can be stressful and devastating to fret about chemo not working, but your treatment plan can change to adapt to your needs as a patient.
Approximately 500,000 women in the U.S. have a hysterectomy each year, according to the National Women’s Health Network. Some of these women are at an increased risk for developing heart disease — but not all.
Some of us reach for the candy jar to satisfy those mid-afternoon cravings. Others go straight for the chips. When it comes to heart health, who is better off: the sugar lover or the salt fanatic?
In the past month, researchers at UVA have published research that shows alarming statistics about the rise of cancer death rates in rural Appalachia as well as made discoveries about chimeric RNA that could change our understanding of human genetics.
As we move away from the summer and closer to winter, a different set of nasal problems face us. Instead of the allergies to grass and weeds we may have barely survived, the common cold and the dryness of those cold long winter nights will conspire to make our noses miserable.
Warts aren't pretty. But most are harmless. But what about genital warts? What about cervical cancer? Find out what you need to know about warts.
Stubborn love handles? Excess tummy jiggle? Double chin? We all have our trouble areas. But thanks to new technology, we can now enhance our body image and self-esteem without an invasive procedure. [caption id="attachment_11732" align="alignright" width="240"] Dr. Black provides aesthetic plastic surgery to help you gain confidence[/caption] Jonathan Black, MD,…
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