People tend to confuse palliative care with end-of-life/hospice care. But palliative care is about symptom and pain management. Palliative care helps cancer and heart failure patients manage pain. Even after cancer is in remission, you could still have pain, nerve damage, fatigue and mood problems.
General Health (Page 52)
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Chances are, if you don’t have a runny nose right now, you’ve had one recently. But it can be tough to tell whether you have a cold or seasonal allergies. Do you have allergies? Find an allergy clinic near you. In this week’s podcast, Monica Lawrence, MD, who specializes in…
Patients who undergo colorectal surgery, used to treat colon, anal or rectal cancer, often must spend several days in the hospital to recover. During this time, they’re in pain and unable to eat until their bowel function returns. Learn more about anal, rectal and colon cancer treatment. But a new…
According to Donate Life America, 22 people die each day because they were unable to get the organ they needed. Even though 95 percent of Americans are in favor of donating, only 60 percent of Virginians have registered. Virginia organ donation can help save lives right in our own state.…
Throughout its 4,000-year history, cancer has left doctors, scientists and patients with questions that the medical and science fields could not even start to address until recent decades. For centuries, the question has lingered: Will there be a time when we find a way to control or even cure this…
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