As someone whose home office is currently their kitchen, the struggle to not snack all day is real. What’s the secret to keeping off the “quarantine 15” weight gain?
covid-19 (Page 5)
Staying isolated at home is putting some people at greater risk for mental illness and domestic violence. Get a list of resources to help you stay safe and feel supported during quarantine.
Healthcare systems like UVA have been using virtual medical appointments to connect patients and caregivers for more than two decades. However, telemedicine has become a necessity due to the quarantine.
How are the guidelines of social distancing determined? William Petri, MD, speaks to the science behind how the coronavirus spreads from person to person.
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is a challenging time for all of us. Your kids might be asking questions about the coronavirus. How do you answer them?
It's important to practice social distancing. But it’s also important to stay healthy during self-quarantine with exercise, eating well, and self-care tips.
Our clinical lab provides critical test results that help providers treat patients. Dawn Dirks, MS, molecular test development specialist, explains the work her team is doing.
Are you at higher risk of dying from the coronavirus? Learn what conditions & treatments weaken the immune system & how to keep yourself well.
While at home, there are simple ways to improve your health outlook. A personal preparedness checklist can help you feel better about your future.
With the coronavirus in Virginia, you probably don't want to go to the ER right now. But if you're having symptoms of a heart attack, stroke or other serious condition, you need to call 911.
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