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Healthy Balance

The Best Diet Plans: An Expert Guide to Healthy Eating

summer fruits and veggies
Summer fruits and veggies aren’t just delicious, they’re good for you, too.

It happens to most of us, at one point or another. You decide to change what you eat. Maybe it’s just a health concern. Or you want to lose weight. Whatever the reason, you start scrolling on your phone for the best diet plans, and you end up lost, confused, and oddly very hungry.

The advice you find on what to eat often conflicts. Should you eat like a caveman? Avoid meat? Does salt matter? What if you have a gluten allergy or cancer, diabetes or a heart condition?

As UVA Health registered dietitian Katherine Basbaum says: “Keep in mind that just because a diet is popular doesn’t mean it’s good for you.” So how do you know what the best diet plan is for you?

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The Best Diet Plans

The best diet plans are those that rely on research and science. But what you eat depends on you as an individual. Your body type, your activity levels, and your genes all play a part in your metabolism. Chronic conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer may limit your options.

We can’t tell you what you should eat. But we can give you facts from our experts to help you discover what works for you.

These articles address the pros and cons of many of the main fad diets and trends you’ve heard about. We also address specific ways nutrition and healthy eating can support your weight goals or medical concerns.

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