Our community has many resources to support foster kids. Yet, too often, kids fall through the cracks. The Village Care Program at UVA Children's connects children in foster care to the healthcare they need.
It’s always something. If you have a kid or care for a kid, you know what I’m talking about. As soon as the ear and bladder infections go away, your child shows up with lice, blisters, or bruises. A few years later and you’re finding pills or self-inflicted cuts. Healthy parenting requires you to know first aid for all the body parts, including your child’s constantly changing heart and mind.
If your child has a chronic condition, like congenital heart disease or cancer, the task of being a good parent feels even more daunting.
At UVA Health Children’s, we have specialists for all the things. Our pediatricians can help you figure out when a bloody nose is normal or a digestive issue needs extra care. These resources reflect expertise and guidance to help you on your healthy parenting journey.
Our community has many resources to support foster kids. Yet, too often, kids fall through the cracks. The Village Care Program at UVA Children's connects children in foster care to the healthcare they need.
Children's brains are like sponges, so kids hearing your weight-loss feelings, fears, or struggles could be sending them the wrong message.
Read tips for parents of children with congenital heart disease from Ashley Havens, whose daughter was treated at UVA.
With all of the excitement of celebrating the holiday season, it’s also important to keep safety in mind when buying kids toys.
Anxiety about going to school doesn't look the same for every child. Learn more about this common situation and when to loop in a professional.
Bullying can leave long-lasting effects on a child's self-esteem and mental health. Learn how to help.
Food allergies shouldn't stop kids from getting nutrition. Allergy-free lunches can have dairy-free milk, protein, whole grains & fruits/veggies.
Athletes at all levels — even your sports-loving kid — can experience pressure to perform and succeed. This can have a negative effect on their mental health.
This year, Virginia is requiring all rising 7th graders to get both doses of the HPV vaccine. But many parents have concerns.
When Holly saw the scars on her daughter, she knew it was a cry for help. Read her story and more in our latest family health magazine.
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