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Out of the Archives: Why I Love Colon Cancer Awareness Month

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I love Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. Out of all the cancers, I love raising colon cancer awareness. Why? Because colon cancer is one of those that you can find early. If you get it early, you can get cured.

And I just think it's super cool that a colonoscopy isn't just a screening tool to find cancer - it can remove polyps before they turn into cancer, too.

Another thing that makes this my favorite cancer awareness month: this video. The "I Did It!" video features some cherished local figures, including the choral teacher at Charlottesville High School. Just seeing him makes people smile.

I turn 50 this year. I've talked before about getting at-home colon cancer screenings. But this year, I'll be able to say "I did it!" about the colonoscopy. I feel lucky that, along with getting a colonoscopy for the first time, I have all the resources on this blog, including some tips on how to handle the colonoscopy prep drink. I also know what to expect, should they find colon cancer.

Not Ready for the Scope?

Up your colon cancer awareness of screening alternatives.

Will YOU Get a Colonoscopy for Colon Cancer Awareness Month?

It may seem weird to be excited about a colonoscopy. But honestly, so many people in the world don't have access to preventive healthcare. I'm grateful for life-saving screenings. And grateful for people, like in this video, who took the time to tell their stories to encourage others. Celebrate Colon Cancer Awareness! Watch and enjoy! And share!

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