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Healthy Balance

Jennifer Stover (Page 4)

Posts by Jennifer Stover

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COPD: It’s an Often Deadly Condition, But There Is Relief
Prevention 1/24/2013

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD) is the third leading cause of death in the United States. It’s a progressive disease (that means it gets worse over time) that includes two main forms: Chronic bronchitis: A persistent, long-term cough that produces mucus Emphysema: The gradual destruction of the lung’s air sacs…

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All About Sleep (Plus a Giveaway)
General Health 1/10/2013

Sleep. We all need it. And chances are, you’ve had trouble getting it at some point in your life. This month, we’re exploring sleep — including how it affects your body and the conditions and factors that can cause poor sleep. Plus, we’ll have tips on how to get kids…

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18 Healthy Holiday Gift Ideas, Plus a Giveaway!
General Health 11/12/2012

The holiday shopping season is here. Are you looking for some healthier gift ideas this year? We talked to Cindy Parnell, MEd, RCEP, an exercise physiologist at UVA, and Gretchen Verrilli, a Heart Center exercise physiology intern, to get their ideas for you before you hit the stores. Healthy Food…

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Worried About Hot Flashes?
General Health 10/29/2012

Hot flashes are a bothersome symptom of menopause. Right now, the only approved treatment is hormone therapy, but many women can’t or don’t want to take hormone therapy because it carries a small increased risk of breast cancer. Researchers at UVA have found that gabapentin, a drug developed to fight…

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Local Food Day in the Cafeteria
Nutrition, Prevention 10/16/2012

If you’re in the Health System’s main cafeteria on October 24, you’ll get a chance to celebrate Food Day with some great local offerings. UVA’s dietitians are participating in the nationwide event, created by the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) to highlight local, sustainable food, says Kendra…

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The Facts About Men, Women, Kids and Cholesterol
Prevention 9/10/2012

Did you know one-third of Americans have elevated LDL cholesterol? That’s the “bad” cholesterol, also known as low-density lipoprotein levels. It’s bad because it builds up in your arteries and increases your risk over time for heart attack and stroke. High Cholesterol: A Condition Without Symptoms “The trouble with high…

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