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News & Events (Page 15)

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UVA Researchers Test Thigh Pads for NFL Players
News & Events 8/21/2013

UVA’s biomechanical researchers recently tested thigh pads for the National Football League to see how well the pads protect players from injuries. The NFL has a new rule for the 2013 season that mandates all players wear thigh pads, so UVA’s researchers tested 82 pads in all by simulating hits…

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Monthly Roundup: July 2013
News & Events 8/2/2013

This July, we had guest posts from junior volunteers working at the hospital this summer. We met one of our doctors and asked a few questions: [caption id="attachment_6918" align="alignright" width="225"] Summer volunteer Rebecca Brookman (standing) practices her wheelchair skills with Volunteer Services intern Stephanie Sisak.[/caption] Play online brain games? This…

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Monthly Roundup: June 2013
News & Events 7/2/2013

This June, we learned about: [caption id="attachment_6734" align="alignright" width="300"] Prenatal ultrasounds look for heart problems and other birth defects.[/caption] The 20-week ultrasound when parents find out if they're having a boy or girl Hospital volunteers who support patients and families undergoing treatment Research that might result in something to combat…

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Monthly Roundup: May 2013
News & Events 6/4/2013

[caption id="attachment_6430" align="alignright" width="300"] Women have been practicing medicine, challenging gender norms, for a long time.[/caption] Were you reading the blog this month? If so, you may have come across some facts you'd never heard before, like: Suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15- to 24-year-olds, in our…

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Glioblastoma: Deadly Cancer, Meet Your Match
News & Events 5/22/2013

Glioblastomas. They represent the most common form of brain tumor in adults, and the most deadly. When glioblastomas invade the brain, there isn't a cure. Enter UVA researchers, who have just identified an enzyme essential to these brain tumor cancer cells. By targeting this enzyme, the researchers hope to open…

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Monthly Roundup: April 2013
News & Events 5/3/2013

This month, we met some pretty courageous folks, including: Michelle, a brain tumor survivor Alden, a young runner who kept racing after cardiac arrest Donna, a nurse who became a breast cancer patient We also explored the "bod pod," one of the coolest ways that UVA measures your fitness levels so…

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Should You Cut Back on Salt? Maybe Not, Study Suggests
News & Events 4/30/2013

Personal Salt Index For years, I’ve worried about my mom. She puts salt on everything, even pizza. I remind her of what we’ve all heard 1,000 times: Too much salt increases your blood pressure, which increases your risk of strokes and heart disease. And she rolls her eyes and tells…

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April is STD Awareness Month
News & Events 4/22/2013

Mary A. Sullivan coordinates community advocacy, education and outreach efforts for the Teen Health Center. She’s provided health education to local students and parents for over 20 years. Here she shares her thoughts about STD awareness. I do not expect to see a proclamation about STD Awareness Month gracing a…

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