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Healthy Balance

Patient Stories (Page 15)

A cancer survivor. A heart attack victim. Pediatric patients. Be inspired by medical stories from ordinary people who’ve had extraordinary challenges. Hear about the health problems and transformations of our patients.

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Vim & Vigor: Bradley Cooper, Pediatric Epilepsy & Lowering Stress
Patient Stories 6/2/2014

In 2012’s “Silver Linings Playbook,” Bradley Cooper portrayed the role of a mental health patient diagnosed with bipolar disorder. [caption id="attachment_8389" align="alignright" width="204"] Jennifer Raymond's son died of H1N1 flu complications in 2009. Read Vim & Vigor to find out how she honors his memory.[/caption] Read about Cooper’s experiences and…

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Poetry Contest Winners!
Patient Stories 5/5/2014

For National Poetry Month, we held a poetry contest focusing on medical themes. We received numerous submissions, from hilarious haikus to heartfelt free verse. We all found it very difficult to choose our favorites! Daniel Becker, MD, editor of Hospital Drive, worked with our editorial staff to choose the winners.…

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Caring for a Teen with Cerebral Palsy: A Parent’s Story
Patient Stories 3/28/2014

Helena Frischtak, a third-year medical student working in different clinics and parts of the hospital as part of her training, contributed this post. In the hospital, people come and go. Rooms take on new patients, and doctors take on different rooms. When you start to know a patient better, he…

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Vim & Vigor: Angelina Jolie, Genetic Testing & Controlling Diabetes
Patient Stories 2/7/2014

In August 1982, Thomas P. Loughran Jr., MD, was working in Seattle when a woman with a mysterious blood illness was transferred to his hospital. That patient and her condition changed the path of Loughran’s research forever. [caption id="attachment_7950" align="alignright" width="300"] Read about patient Helen Trimm's cardiac arrest scare in…

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Life Saver: Med Student Catches Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm During Training
Patient Stories 1/3/2014

Jim Malloy was only supposed to be pretending to have an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). [caption id="attachment_7762" align="alignright" width="300"] During training, medical student Ryan Jones (right) caught an AAA in Jim Malloy.[/caption] This condition, where an area in the abdominal section of the aorta swells and can burst, is common…

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A Grateful Patient
Patient Stories 9/3/2013

UVA patient Betsy Houston, a freelance writer and editor, contributed this post. “A debt we can never repay…” That’s how my husband and I describe our relationship with the UVA Health System. Nearly ten years ago, the doctors and nurses in the hospital saved my life after a massive gastrointestinal…

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Brain Tumor Surgery and Recovery – One Patient’s Story
Patient Stories 5/1/2013

It started off as a splitting headache that would not go away. Michelle Green tried a number of therapies: Massage, acupuncture, visiting a chiropractor. Then a neighbor suggested she see a doctor. “Thank God for pesky neighbors,” Green says. The tumor growing in her brain was the size of a…

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In a Heartbeat: Alden’s Cardiac Arrest Story
Patient Stories 4/18/2013

Last year, Alden Moreton and his dad, Paul, decided to train for and run the Dominion River Rock 5k in Richmond. [caption id="attachment_6241" align="alignright" width="274"] Alden Moreton, who collapsed from cardiac arrest during a race last year[/caption] Then 12 years old, Alden was on both the football and lacrosse team…

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