The school year is in full swing, and that means germ swapping has commenced. No matter how many times we tell our kids to wash their hands and use best practices when coughing and sneezing, it doesn’t always happen.
The school year is in full swing, and that means germ swapping has commenced. No matter how many times we tell our kids to wash their hands and use best practices when coughing and sneezing, it doesn’t always happen.
When diet and exercise aren't effective at shedding excess pounds, it may be beneficial for some to have a surgical weight loss procedure.
Vision changes are common as we age. However, problems with eyesight also can be an early indicator of a more serious injury or condition. Find out which symptoms you shouldn't ignore.
In other parts of the world, worms are a significant health burden, especially for kids. While not as common in the U.S., worm infections do happen. Find out which are the most common, symptoms of an infection and how to treat it.
On a hot summer day, there’s no greater escape than your favorite swimming hole. But before you dive in, be aware that there are water safety hazards that could put you and your family at risk for accident, illness or injury.
Always on the go? Recent studies suggest that Botox injections are safe and effective for the treatment of overactive bladder.
If you or your child suffer from asthma, it’s important to be aware that some common allergens can compromise home air quality and trigger asthma symptoms.
In recognition of Stroke Awareness Month, we sat down with neurosurgeon Min Park, MD, an expert in cerebrovascular and endovascular neurosurgery.
Get a crash course in some of the most common healthcare credentials, so you can make sense of the "alphabet soup" and know who’s who and who does what.
Constipation can be tough to manage no matter what your age. But for children— especially those who are not yet verbal — identifying and treating gastrointestinal issues takes time and may require physician intervention to get things moving again.
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