In her professional and personal life, Jennifer Payne, MD, has seen the harm caused by stigma of mental health. She hopes her research will help end the stigma.
Learn about the latest developments in healthcare, new medical treatments and more, listening to doctor interviews from your phone, laptop, or in your car.
In her professional and personal life, Jennifer Payne, MD, has seen the harm caused by stigma of mental health. She hopes her research will help end the stigma.
Information literacy is the knowledge, ability and confidence to find and evaluate information about your own health. Lydia Witman helps patients and their family members with this every day.
The UVA SPEED Clinic offers 3D motion-capture technology for not just golfers but also runners, walkers and bikers. Listen to this podcast to learn what happens at an appointment.
Did you know that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends a travelers' clinic visit anytime you travel internationally?
Clinical trials are scientific studies that test the effectiveness of a treatment, device or drug. Although many are hesitant to consider participating, new treatments wouldn't become available to patients without the trial process.
For many people, spending time with family is the best part of the holidays. But if you noticed that elderly relatives don't seem as sharp or steady as before, here's some tips on how to tell if they need help.
Every year, about 3,500 U.S. babies die suddenly and unexpectedly, according to the CDC. Of those, almost 75 percent are attributed to either accidental strangulation or suffocation in bed or SIDS.
Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in American women, behind skin cancer. But a recent survey of Virginia women found that just one in eight were aware that breast density is a risk factor for cancer.
Every year, more people die from lung cancer than colon, breast and prostate cancers combined. While some cases stem from radon exposure or other hazards, most are a result of smoking.
Between colds, ear infections and stomach viruses, many parents feel like their young kids are always sick. Then they have decisions to make. Is the child contagious? Should they visit the doctor?
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