When you get home from work, put on your workout clothes before you sit down to relax. [caption id="attachment_3086" align="alignright" width="263"] Celebrating Heart Month[/caption] You're more likely to be active, whether it’s leaving to go to the gym, working out at home or going outside for a bike ride, if…
exercise (Page 4)
Heart Month Tip 13: Take Off Your Clothes and Put On Your Workout Clothes
Heart Month Tip 5: Start Out Right
How fit are you right now? [caption id="attachment_3086" align="alignright" width="263"] Celebrating Heart Month[/caption] If you haven't exercised for a while, start with some modest activities and work your way up. If you're not overweight, 30 minutes of moderate physical activity five or more times a week is all you need…
Namaste: Yoga Class Helps Kids With Special Needs
Picture a yoga class — what do you see? Perhaps a group of women posing in a serene setting. Limbs outstretched. Breathing deeply. …Peaceful, right? Now imagine a yoga class full of kids, ages 5-13. The picture changes a wee bit. [caption id="attachment_1265" align="alignright" width="300"] Children participate in a yoga…
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