Megan manages UVA Health's social media accounts. She graduated from Virginia Tech and dabbled in newspapers before coming to work at UVA Health 11 years ago, where she decided to try a new microblogging site called Twitter. When Megan’s not on Facebook or Pinterest, she’s usually figure skating, running, or reading.
Posts by Megan Munkacsy
Get Heart Smart During Heart Month [PODCAST]
Heart disease kills more people than cancer, car accidents or anything else. And did you know? Structural defects, genetics and aging cause many of these deadly heart diseases. February is Heart Month. Take this opportunity to try some of the following fun ways to educate yourself and get heart smart…
Vim & Vigor: Angelina Jolie, Genetic Testing & Controlling Diabetes
In August 1982, Thomas P. Loughran Jr., MD, was working in Seattle when a woman with a mysterious blood illness was transferred to his hospital. That patient and her condition changed the path of Loughran’s research forever. [caption id="attachment_7950" align="alignright" width="300"] Read about patient Helen Trimm's cardiac arrest scare in…
Cervical Cancer and the HPV Vaccine
January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month. In 2012, 13,000 women in the U.S. were diagnosed and 7,000 died, according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). These rates have dropped sharply in the past 40 years, thanks to pap tests that help healthcare providers catch and treat precancerous…
Life Saver: Med Student Catches Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm During Training
Jim Malloy was only supposed to be pretending to have an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). [caption id="attachment_7762" align="alignright" width="300"] During training, medical student Ryan Jones (right) caught an AAA in Jim Malloy.[/caption] This condition, where an area in the abdominal section of the aorta swells and can burst, is common…
7 Quick Questions: Dr. Thomas P. Loughran Jr.
Ever wonder what your doctor or health provider does outside the exam room? Our Quick Questions series gives you a personal glimpse into the people of UVA. Thomas P. Loughran Jr., MD, is director of the UVA Cancer Center. He researches large granular lymphocyte (LGL) leukemia, a rare blood cancer he discovered…
Happy Thanksgiving! A Pediatric Nurse’s Story [VIDEO]
This week and every week, we’re thankful for our doctors and staff. Every person working at UVA, even those who aren’t caregivers, works hard to ensure our patients get the best care possible. In this video, Children’s Hospital nurse Nancy Addison recalls taking care of a little boy who came…
Ditching Store-Bought Seasonal Staples: Healthy Holiday Menu Swaps
Guest blogger Katherine Basbaum, MS, RD, is a clinical dietitian at UVA Health System who works primarily with cardiac patients. [caption id="attachment_7468" align="alignright" width="283"] Cook, don't buy, your favorite Thanksgiving dishes.[/caption] It’s November, which means the leaves are falling, mittens and scarves are coming out of hibernation, and it’s just…
Shed the Stereotypes: What Does an Eating Disorder Really Look Like?
Holly Ford, Health System writer, contributed this post. Holly writes about her own 9-year-old daughter's struggle with anorexia in UVA's family health magazine Vim & Vigor. With a big push from the White House, the U.S. has undertaken a crusade to end childhood obesity. Many states, including Virginia, have adopted…
3D Mammography: Earlier Cancer Detection, Fewer False Positives [VIDEO]
When I took a tour of the newly built Zion Crossroads Primary and Specialty Care, one of the most memorable parts was seeing a new mammography technology. Mammography technologist Lorie Hubbard passionately explained that this technology, tomosynthesis, catches breast cancers earlier and finds fewer false positives compared to standard mammography.…