With the proper care and treatment, HIV-positive people can have normal lifespans, healthy lives, romantic relationships, even children.
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With the proper care and treatment, HIV-positive people can have normal lifespans, healthy lives, romantic relationships, even children.
HIV is still an epidemic in the U.S. Most at risk: young gay black men. But with new prevention meds, home tests, HIV healthcare access, it can be stopped.
Chemo rash is temporary and usually clears up quickly after chemotherapy treatment has ended. These tips can help alleviate the irritation.
If your loved one or friend is going to chemotherapy treatments, it’s helpful to volunteer to accompany him or her to the visit. You can simply offer to drive to and from the appointment, or you can make chemo a bit more tolerable for your friend. To best equip you…
Infertility occurs when a woman can't get pregnant after a year of trying. About one-third of cases are a result of issues with the woman, such as ovulation problems.
For most people, going to the dentist is inconvenient and perhaps mildly painful. But for individuals with special needs or complex medical problems, even the most routine dental care can present overwhelming pain and fear.
Most of us have experienced dry, irritated eyes at some point, perhaps from cigarette smoke or wind. But for some, dry eye is chronic. Women and the elderly are more at risk, although doctors aren't sure why.
Many heart valve disease treatments are tried and true. But to do them, surgeons have had to break the patient's breastbone. That often means a long, painful recovery.
In LGL leukemia, a type of white blood cell grows larger than normal and begins to outnumber other blood cells. Treatment is varied, but research continues.
There's no better way to celebrate your cancerversary than by making your life, and those of other cancer patients and cancer survivors, better. Paying it forward is a great tradition to honor your remission.
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