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Exercise (Page 4)

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No Time for Exercise? Try These Quick Home & Office Workouts
Exercise, Prevention 1/8/2014

January is often a time for healthy resolutions; Eating right, exercising, sleeping more and breaking bad habits. Yet, even with the best intentions, accomplishing all the lofty goals we set can be daunting. Shannon Slovensky, M.Ed., an exercise physiologist with the UVA Exercise Physiology Core Laboratory, explains that adopting a…

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Heart Month Tip 22: Take Your Dog for a Walk
Exercise, Prevention 2/22/2012

A brisk walk with your furry friend is good for both of you, and it can help lift your spirits. [caption id="attachment_3086" align="alignright" width="263"] Celebrating Heart Month[/caption] Make it a part of your daily routine. If you don’t have a dog, consider walking your neighbor’s dog. Volunteering to walk dogs…

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Heart Month Tip 21: Walk, Do Not Drive
Exercise, Prevention 2/21/2012

Park your car at the back of the parking lot instead of driving around looking for a close-in spot. [caption id="attachment_3086" align="alignright" width="263"] Celebrating Heart Month[/caption] You’ll not only burn more calories, you’ll probably actually save time. Or do you really even need to drive? Maybe the store is close…

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Heart Month Tip 17: Make a Play Date
Exercise, Prevention 2/17/2012

Most of us get together with friends or go on dates for activities that center on eating and food. [caption id="attachment_3086" align="alignright" width="263"] Celebrating Heart Month[/caption] Make it a point to try something else instead – when was the last time you swung on a swing? Rode bikes or went…

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Heart Health Tip 12: Walk It Out
Exercise, Prevention 2/12/2012

Go for a walk with your family. It's a great way to unwind and catch up after a long day. [caption id="attachment_3086" align="alignright" width="263"] Celebrating Heart Month[/caption]

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