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Exercise (Page 4)

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Heart Month Tip 22: Take Your Dog for a Walk
Exercise, Prevention 2/22/2012

A brisk walk with your furry friend is good for both of you, and it can help lift your spirits. [caption id="attachment_3086" align="alignright" width="263"] Celebrating Heart Month[/caption] Make it a part of your daily routine. If you don’t have a dog, consider walking your neighbor’s dog. Volunteering to walk dogs…

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Heart Month Tip 21: Walk, Do Not Drive
Exercise, Prevention 2/21/2012

Park your car at the back of the parking lot instead of driving around looking for a close-in spot. [caption id="attachment_3086" align="alignright" width="263"] Celebrating Heart Month[/caption] You’ll not only burn more calories, you’ll probably actually save time. Or do you really even need to drive? Maybe the store is close…

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Heart Month Tip 17: Make a Play Date
Exercise, Prevention 2/17/2012

Most of us get together with friends or go on dates for activities that center on eating and food. [caption id="attachment_3086" align="alignright" width="263"] Celebrating Heart Month[/caption] Make it a point to try something else instead – when was the last time you swung on a swing? Rode bikes or went…

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Heart Health Tip 12: Walk It Out
Exercise, Prevention 2/12/2012

Go for a walk with your family. It's a great way to unwind and catch up after a long day. [caption id="attachment_3086" align="alignright" width="263"] Celebrating Heart Month[/caption]

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Heart Month Tip 5: Start Out Right
Exercise, Prevention 2/5/2012

How fit are you right now? [caption id="attachment_3086" align="alignright" width="263"] Celebrating Heart Month[/caption] If you haven't exercised for a while, start with some modest activities and work your way up. If you're not overweight, 30 minutes of moderate physical activity five or more times a week is all you need…

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Heart Month Tip 3: Stand Up
Exercise, Prevention 2/3/2012

Most of us sit almost the entire workday. Standing burns more calories and works more muscles. [caption id="attachment_3086" align="alignright" width="263"] Celebrating Heart Month[/caption] Try it — today! If you can’t stand up while working at your desk, try it during meetings or while talking on the phone.

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Heart Month Tip 2: Take 10
Exercise, Prevention 2/2/2012

Exercise in short bursts. For example, take a 10-minute break at work to go for a walk. [caption id="attachment_3086" align="alignright" width="263"] Celebrating Heart Month[/caption]

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