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Healthy Balance

Nutrition (Page 10)

Find the latest nutrition information, healthy eating guidelines and recommendations on UVA’s Healthy Balance blog.

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The ABCs (and Ds and Ks) of Vitamins
Nutrition, Prevention 4/25/2012

In my 20s, I kept a bottle of multivitamins in my kitchen cabinet. Every so often, I’d reach in there and grab a vitamin. More often than not, I ignored that bottle. Out of sight, out of mind. I started taking multivitamins more often once I reached my early 30s,…

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Heart Month Tip 29: The Replacements
Nutrition, Prevention 2/29/2012

Try out these alternatives when you’re cooking dinner: [caption id="attachment_3086" align="alignright" width="263"] Celebrating Heart Month[/caption] When baking brownies or a cake, use applesauce instead of oil. If the recipe calls for ¼ cup of oil, just use ¼ cup of no sugar-added applesauce. Try switching from coffee to green tea.…

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Heart Month Tip 24: Rope Your Coworkers In
Nutrition, Prevention 2/24/2012

We happen to work in an office of people who like to cook – and share the tasty results. [caption id="attachment_3086" align="alignright" width="263"] Celebrating Heart Month[/caption] Talk about working in a danger zone for dieting or eating healthy. Stop the madness! Make it a point today to talk to your…

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Heart Month Tip 18: Pay Attention to Your Plate
Nutrition, Prevention 2/18/2012

Make sure that your diet is rich in fruits, vegetables and fiber, and low in saturated fats. [caption id="attachment_3086" align="alignright" width="263"] Celebrating Heart Month[/caption] Divide your plate at each meal: half vegetables, ¼ high-quality protein (like legumes) and ¼ fish or lean meat. Find out more about the USDA's food…

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Heart Month Tip 15: Something’s Fishy
Nutrition, Prevention 2/15/2012

Pick one day every week that you’ll eat fish, either grilled or baked. [caption id="attachment_3086" align="alignright" width="263"] Celebrating Heart Month[/caption] Fish, especially salmon, is a great source of protein and heart-healthy omega-3s. You can also find heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids in tuna, halibut, herring and mackerel.

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Heart Month Tip 14: Have Some Wine and Chocolate
Nutrition, Prevention 2/14/2012

Treat yourself to a glass of red wine with some dark chocolate. [caption id="attachment_3086" align="alignright" width="263"] Celebrating Heart Month[/caption] Try to get chocolate with 55% or higher cacao. Wine and chocolate are a great source of antioxidants. Just don’t go overboard and indulge too much.

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Get Your Kids to Eat Better: 16 Tips to Try, Day One

“If it were my kid, they’d eat whatever I served; I’m no short-order cook.” “When I was a child, I either ate my food or had it served cold at breakfast.” “Picky eaters weren’t allowed in my day.” [caption id="attachment_2662" align="alignright" width="276"] My kids would rather play with their food…

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“Those Are Some Expensive Tomatoes!”: When to Buy Organic
Nutrition, Prevention 9/15/2011

The word “organic” is everywhere. Many grocery stores have separate sections for organic produce and packaged foods. You can even buy macaroni and cheese with organic bright yellow cheese powder. That magical word makes us think we’re eating better, but it also comes with a higher price tag. Is it…

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